Lab 2: Assembly Language Lab
In the first week of the course, I was introduced with Assembly Language and got to know its importance in software optimization. The 6502 Emulator was used as a learning environment for experimenting with Assembly Code. In lab 2, we had to form a group and learned to get used to some of the basic opcodes of Assembly Language. The content of this post is a summary of what I’ve learned so far from the lab. The block of code below was provided as a starting point for this lab. Running this block of code will fill the top right screen with Yellow. In order to understand what is going on here, there’re a few things that we need to know first. The screen’s color is originally black and it is divided into four smaller rectangle blocks (which can also be called pages) defined by pixels. Each rectangle block has exactly 256 pixels. The first four lines of code are used to store the value of the first page, $0200, at address $40. And then, we load the value of the Yellow color into th...